Can you resurface an exposed agregate driveway?

Yes, additional coats of overcrete are applied until it is built up and no more stones can be seen, then the standard overcrete application process can be used to achieve the decorative look that you require.

I have an old stamp concrete driveway that looks like it is faded what can i do to fix it?

Sometimes old decorative driveways look like the colour has faded but this is normally just where the sealer coat has been worn off or broken down from UV rays. If the driveway has been exposed to extreme conditions and not been resealed the colour in the concrete can be worn off. To check what your driveway will look like use a hose and wet down your whole driveway, this is a good guide of what your driveway will look like after a couple of quick coats with our SV28 Concrete Sealer. If you can still see patches of discoloured areas or bare concrete areas you will have to colour seal your driveway to achieve an even colour or you can resurface it with overcrete.